Upcoming Meeting
Saturday, March 15, 2025
11:30 AM
Avoiding Financial Scams
with Guest Speaker, Mary Ellen Strange
We are all inundated with texts, emails and phone calls – asking for money or information. Many losses are never reported. Some fight back. Mary Ellen Strange suffered life-altering losses and is now sharing her story to help protect others. Come and learn how to protect yourself.
Please email: aauwleecounty@gmail.com no later than Tuesday, 11 March.
Location: Lexington Country Club
16257 Willowcrest Way
Fort Myers, FL
(Near the Intersection of Bass Road & Summerlin; follow the entrance road to the turn-in for the Country Club.)
Due to changes at the Landings, we have moved our meetings to Lexington Country Club. We will order from the Club Favorites menu rather than needing to order in advance. This will allow more control over costs and not require that we collect funds in advance.
We do still ask that you make a reservation to allow us to have the proper size room assigned and for Lexington to allot the proper staffing.
Upcoming Branch Activities
Coming in March & April
Great Decisions – there is still time to join the discussion
Scholarship Luncheon – celebrate our winners
Call for Volunteers and Voting
We need you and your expertise. We have several positions currently available and are recruiting for next year. If you are interested, please see the Torch for additional details.
News from National
CEO Webinar
Gloria Blackwell joins AAUW Community Action Grant recipient Dr. Tiya Miles to discuss her book Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation that discusses the impact of the outdoors on women’s independence, resourcefulness and vision.
Public Policy
Stay up to date on the public policy priorities and how the legislative landscape has changed after the election.
Sign up to take action with AAUW’s Two Minute Activist.
News from State
Public Policy
Register for an upcoming Florida Public Policy Issue Forum. Upcoming topics include a legislative session preview, caregiving and economic security, and gender equity in STEM.
Lobby Days
Prepare for lobby days when we bring our issues to our state legislators in Tallahassee.
Get scripts for talking to your representatives and learn about bills AAUW is tracking.
Subscribe to AAUW’s FloriVision Newsletter to keep up to date on AAUW Florida activities.