Officers & Committees

Branch officers, like our membership, are a diverse and interesting group of women from a variety of backgrounds. Elected officers include the President, President Elect, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Membership, Secretary and Treasurer. Together they form the Executive Board.

Appointed officers include Communications, Public Policy, Scholarship and Ways and Means. The elected and appointed officers together form the Board of our branch. Other opportunities to volunteer include serving on committees, leading interest groups, and fundraising.

AAUW Fort Myers / Lee County Officers

Elected Officers – Executive Board

President Cecile Brennan
Vice President Elect Nancy Schoenstein
Past President Janet George & Bonnie Ryan
Vice-President Programs Jill Jennings
Vice-President Membership Jemetta Hunt
Secretary Patricia Crowe
Treasurer Mary Kellner

Appointed Officers – Board Members

Communications Astoria Aviles
Public Policy Suzan Harden
Co-Scholarship Chairs Cheryl Tromley
Devra Graf
Ways & Means Chair Peggy Cihi

Standing Committees

Strategic Planning: Kathleen Haibach Diversity Officer: Lisa Crotty
Torch Editor: Peggy Cihi Science Fair: Catherine Tucker
Reservations: Carolyn Nance

Interest Group Coordinators

Bridge Groups Pat Crowe
Book Groups Carol Fuechsel
Guided Nature Excursions Cathy Tucker & Jemetta Hunt
Great Decisions Suzan Harden
Hand & Foot Carolyn Nance
Mahjong Carolyn Nance
Tools for Advocacy Susan Hazden

Getting Involved

We encourage all members to join a committee, help with one of our special events, or join an interest group. Participating with branch activities is great way to get to know other members and support our mission.

To learn more, contact our branch email