January: Historic Storms that Shaped Fort Myers

January: Historic Storms that Shaped Fort Myers

Long before Ian, Helene, and Milton, three historic hurricanes in the 1800’s shaped where and how Fort Myers developed. Hurricanes are continuing to shape our present-day Fort Myers. Our Guest Speaker for October is Thomas P. Hall, author of Historic Hurricanes of Fort Myers.

Hall is a local historian and authfor of three books including Epic Fires of Fort Myers and Female Pioneers of Fort Myers. His presentation will focus on why Fort Myers and the surrounding areas are vulnerable to storm surge, wind damage and inland flooding during tropical storms and hurricanes. Hall worked with local meteorologist Matt Devitt in researching his book to get the science right.

The book will be available for purchase after the luncheon.

Note: We will now be meeting at Lexington Country Club and order from the menu. This will allow members to control their own costs. We still ask that you RSVP in advance to allow the club to provide adequate staffing.